12 Sep September 12, 2014

Twill Table Runner Project Final Step

suzanne 0 Uncategorized

The last and final step for this warp is the weaving process and picking the colors you want to use… I have already decided on a design and it is a variation of a twill that will almost look like a figure 8. I used colors from the warp and lighter and or darker shades […]

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07 Sep September 07, 2014

Twill Table Runner Project Step Three

suzanne 0 Uncategorized

The next step is to put the warp i have just made on the loom and thread the heddles and the reed. The heddles will be threaded according to the pattern i have chosen and it goes basically like this… whic when you thread a loom you always start in the middle and thread left […]

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23 Aug August 23, 2014

Twill Table Runner Project Step Two

suzanne 0 Uncategorized

I now have the 3 warp sections of this project done and ready for the loom. Each little group in the warp chains are of 12 threads each and then on each end are 4 threads which will be the selvage edges of the table runner. The reason each seection is in a chain is […]

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17 Aug August 17, 2014

Twill Table Runner Project Step One

suzanne 0 Uncategorized

My first project i have picked is going to be a table runner-fairly short- about three to four feet long. I am using multiple colors of yarn and it will have varying widths on the warp. The weft will also have the same colors as well a few other colors so it will have stripes of different […]

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